For more than 50 years, Biden has been in the politics of one of the world's most powerful nations. After obtaining a law degree in 1968, he served as a practicing attorney with a Wilmington firm, while working part-time as a public defender.

He later launched his first campaign for the New Castle County Council, winning by 2,000 votes. As a member of the Council, Joe Biden fought against oil companies to prevent a project that went against Wilmington's neighborhoods.

Therefore, here we tell you some information about his life and work that is important to know in the face of his victory.

As a child, He was a stutterer


So much so that his schoolmates made fun of him, calling him " Bye-bye Biden." The now victor for the United States' presidency has said on many occasions that he never put himself in the hands of professionals. Instead, he recited poems in front of the mirror. He continues to deal with a condition, despite having it quite overcome, and of which he has spoken on multiple occasions.

He played football


As he had problems expressing himself, something that lasted until he was 20 years old, Biden opted more for the sport in his time as a student. Specifically, he played on the University of Delaware football team. They say he was fast and a good collector. "All the confidence in my ability to communicate that I was lacking, I had more than athletic confidence," he said in his memoir.

Eternal senator


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (Scranton, Pennsylvania, 1942) has been in politics for more than 40 years. After graduating in history and political science and law, he was elected senator from Delaware at just 29 years old. In this way, the young lawyer became in 1972 the youngest member of the Upper House and the sixth youngest in the history of the United States. A position he held for 36 years, being re-elected up to 6 times.

Family tragedy


However, a few weeks after this good professional news, Biden had to face a family misfortune that would change his life. His wife Neilia, 30, and their daughter Naomi, just one year old, died in a car accident on December 18, when they were returning from buying a Christmas tree. And her other two sons, Joseph and Robert, who were also riding in the vehicle, were seriously injured.

Second marriage


In 1977 he remarried Jill Tracy Jacobs, with whom he had their daughter Ashley Blazer. A divorced English teacher with a Ph.D., two masters, and founder of the Biden Breast Health Initiative, an organization that works to educate girls in high school about the importance of early diagnosis in breast cancer. 

He was vice president of Obama


Despite the crash, all was not lost for Biden. Once out of the presidential race, Biden supported the candidacy of Barack Obama, and he told him that he wanted him on his government team. Thus, Biden became the Vice President of the United States in his two consecutive terms (2009-2017) and, to this day, they remain good friends.

His eldest son died in 2015


His personal life has been marked by tragedy. The year he planned to stand for election again, his eldest son, Beau Biden, died of a brain tumor at the age of 46. An Iraqi veteran who was also a Delaware attorney general.

The oldest president


At almost 78 years old, Biden became the oldest president of the United States. He's four years out of Trump, and he's also older than other former presidents like Bill Clinton and George Bush, both 74. In fact, an Obama doctor even claimed that he was not a "healthy guy." The candidates' advanced age has been a matter of debate and leaves young Americans without the possibility of a generational change in the White House.

He is abstemious


Despite their many differences, Biden and Trump have one thing in common: Neither has ever had a drop of alcohol in their life. And it is that both carry traumas related to this issue.