What helps against nausea? From fennel tea to juniper berries: these 7 home remedies from the kitchen can relieve nausea.

1. Fennel: The tea against nausea


Fennel tea is one of the good home remedies that will quickly dispel nausea. Brew a tea from a teaspoon of fennel seeds - or a ready-made tea bag with the miracle seeds - and drink it in sips, which brings quick relief.

If the nausea is accompanied by stomach cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting, this home remedy also alleviates these symptoms.

The fennel tea should be covered for ten minutes. This way, the valuable essential oils are not lost.

Tip: Fennel tea, slightly sweetened with honey, is also popular with children.

2. Caraway tea + fennel tea


A bit spicier and a little Christmassy in taste, but just as helpful against nausea, is a tea made from fennel, and caraway seeds. For this purpose, one teaspoon each of caraway and fennel seeds are infused with a liter of no longer boiling water. Cover and leave for ten minutes, pour into a thermos flask, and drink in sips throughout the day.

Like fennel, caraway seeds also help against nausea individually as a tea. Even if the taste of these seeds alone does not please every palate.

3.Wonder weapon ginger


Ginger is a helpful home remedy from the kitchen for nausea. The healthy roots develop their full potential when hot water is poured over a few slices of fresh ginger. Cover and let steep for 15 minutes and drink sip by sip. Put on a new cup if necessary.

4. Black tea


Not as many herbs as the black tea drinker usually takes, but drawn for a long time - black tea also helps with nausea. Pulled longer and not so strong, the strong infusion noticeably calms the stomach.

5.The classic: Cola & pretzel sticks


Not only some tea is a good home remedy for nausea. So it also helps, especially when the nausea is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, to drink the classic cola - not fridge-cold, the stomach doesn't like that now - and to eat a few pretzel sticks. The salt compensates for the loss of minerals, and the sugar gives new energy in a liquid way.

6. Effective juniper berries


Do you have juniper berries in your spice cabinet? You can also brew tea from a teaspoon of lightly crushed berries. In the case of mild nausea, however, the following is also helpful as a home remedy for nausea: Just chew two juniper berries well and swallow. Granted, the taste of the pure berry takes some getting used to, but it relieves nausea. Incidentally, also gas and bloating.

7. Porridge


Those who do not like to eat because of nausea usually suffer twice: In addition to being unwell, there is also a lack of energy. Easily digestible and an old household remedy: English porridge, which has recently even made it to many muesli shelves in retail stores as a trendy breakfast.

The typical English breakfast porridge consists of fine oat flakes, which are boiled with a pinch of salt and a little water. Then let it cool and swell for about 10 minutes. Then pure or, if you feel sick, sweetened with a little honey and don't eat too quickly. This calms the stomach and strengthens it without being a burden.